* Stars react to news of AMC/OLTL licensing deal | Soap Central on Soap Central

Stars react to news of AMC/OLTL licensing deal

by Dan J Kroll
Posted Thursday, July 07, 2011 2:07:11 PM
Stars react to news of AMC/OLTL licensing deal

Though there are still a lot of unanswered questions in ABC's announcement that it has agreed to license All My Children and One Life to Live, but that hasn't stopped elated fans and soap stars from offering their thoughts on the deal.

News of ABC's licensing deal to allow All My Children and One Life to Live to continue airing online has prompted reaction from fans and stars alike. Following is a sampling of what some of the stars of daytime have been saying.

"JUST found out about licensing deals AMC and OLTL," Robin Strasser (Dorian Lord, OLTL) posted on her Twitter account. "Big SHIFT is a GIFT. Just know all the fans got this to happen. Take a bow! YOU did it! Even if this is a bone being tossed, it's better than the 'toss 'em out with the garbage' tone of the big cancellation."

"I think it's safe to say -- FANS WIN," AMC star JR Martinez (Brot Monroe) remarked. "I will say this -- my current contract was to terminate on August 31st. Now we must see who they want to keep and renegotiate with. Not sure..."

"Super happy for the fans of AMC and OLTL today," Kristen Alderson (Starr Manning, OLTL) cheered. "I'm interested to see how they plan on having this work."

"Everybody see the news that AMC and OLTL are picked up in an online format!? It's so new... not sure what that means but I'll try and find out," Cameron Mathison (Ryan Lavery, AMC) commented. "It sounds like Prospect Park is taking real steps to make this go. Not sure how they are going to do it, but keep your fingers crossed!"

"Best. News. Ever? Right up there anyway," Emmy winner Eden Riegel (Heather Stevens, The Young and the Restless; ex-Bianca Montgomery, AMC) noted on Twitter. "Long live AMC and OLTL!"

For more details on ABC's agreement to license All My Children and One Life to Live to Prospect Park, please click here.

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RELATED STORYAPRIL '10: ABC announces it has canceled AMC, OLTL.
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